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Our advantages

30 lawyers
More than 30 lawyers work in Legal House offices in Warsaw and Kyiv, and are ready to solve your problems
Our lawyers are recognized by the international rating Legal500
Global network
We assist more than 200 clients from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, who work in various EU countries, the USA, and the UAE
Multilingual team
Our lawyers speak Russian, Ukrainian, English, Polish, and Czech


Our experts

Natalia Radchenko
For over 11 years,Natalia has been assisting clients on personal and corporate tax planning, residence, and private investment matters.

Lana Golian
For more than 10 years, Lana has been accompanying clients in structuring corporate and private assets, tax planning, and economic citizenship.

Free consultation

+48 662 765 351
+38 044 451 74 89
2020. All rights reserved
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