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If you want to open an IT business in Poland, successfully relocate your team to Europe, relocating with your family, apply for a residence permit or citizenship, our lawyers, tax consultants, and accountants are at your service.

Business incubator for IT

Sign up for consultation
call us:
+48 662 765 351
+48 537 019 779
+38 063 149 18 47 (Whats app)

Our clients on the Business Incubator

IT and Technology transformation companies
that have chosen Poland to work with the EU
Technological Startups, IT, blockchain, and other companies
that test and develop new products and business models
Freelancers in IT, digital marketing, digital design,
and other self-employed experts
Programmers and other self-employed experts
from Ukraine and Belarus who move to Poland for permanent residenceу

How we can help in the Business Incubator

For freelancers who CAN be self-employed:
  • Accompanying the receipt of PESEL, e-puap, and registration in Poland
  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur (for citizens of Belarus with a Business Harbor visa and other categories)
  • Opening of bank account
  • Help with the temporary or permanent residence permit
  • Complex legal and accounting support
For freelancers who CANNOT be self-employed:
  • Accompanying the receipt of PESEL, e-puap, and registration in Poland
  • Virtual company services
  • Opening of a sub-account in a bank within 1 day, with the ability to work with PayPal, freelance platforms, crowdfunding platforms, and investment companies
  • Assist with residence permit for up to 3 years or EU Blue card
  • Complex legal and accounting support
For IT companies, startups that WANT TO TEST work in the EU without registering a company:
  • support for the employee’s relocation
  • assist with the residence permits for employees
  • outstaffing (rent) of personnel
  • services of a virtual office and/or representative office in Poland
  • complex legal and accounting support
For IT companies, startups that are READY to open a business in Poland:
  • complex support for starting and maintaining a business (link to the Business Registration page)
  • complex support for the relocation of staff and their families (link to the page Help in relocation to Poland)

Free consultation

Our partners

How to start cooperation with the Business Incubator?

Contact us under the form on this page or by calling one of the phones on the site. We are waiting!
Our specialist will help you to concretize the details of your task and find the right solution
We sign a cooperation agreement with you
We provide you with the services you need

Advantages of working with us?

  • Customized solutions.
  • Complex legal and accounting support.
  • Opening a bank account in 1 day, the ability to work with major payment systems, crowdfunding platforms, and investment companies.
  • The professional responsibility of our company is covered with the insurance.
Free consultation
+48 662 765 351
+38 044 451 74 89
2020. All rights reserved
Interested in cooperation?